Guess what? Extra Seksi! just turned one-year-old today and the drama queen in me can't cease dabbing the corner of my raccoon eyes in thankful recollection. Aaaaand to mark this special day, let me push aside these imaginary curtains to unveil my new blog skin. Can I hear some whit-wew? Let's give it up to my dear friend Yvie!
Realizing it's been a cathartic year since I finally found the balls to share my journey as a plus size woman for the entire blogosphere to read (i.e. battling occasional self-loathing, fashion finds and concerns, etc), I can't help but ask what took me so long to do so. I've been toying with this idea during my bumhood days in 2009. Some girls can be really stupid, you know.
Looking back, I'm grateful for taking heed to that tiny voice and take this challenge as my chosen ministry to others from that point and beyond. Sometimes I question myself as I'm no authority in terms of mix-and-match tricks and I don't personify mastery of fashion do's and don'ts. What right do I have to declare that we, too, can claim the streets as our own? But, hey, I'm typing these words with the same amount of vulnerability - I believe in myself, sometimes I don't, I accept the fact that I'm created after God's beautiful image yet sometimes I forget and I'm in this journey to unleash the supressed siren within and learn more in how to dress up myself. Aren't we on the same page?
In a recent interview with Tamia and her thesis partner who decided to tackle on social media and blog activities, I was asked for my motivation for putting up Extra Seksi!. I divulged how I felt it's high time for Pinays to love and accept the body we're in and fight stereotyping towards fat people. After all, there are thin people who call Ronald McDonald as their nutritionist and/or refuse to act on their sedentary lifestyle. I also recounted how this blog became instrumental to reach out to my old insecure self in the form of other people and offer my huggable body for them to count on. I aspire (and I still do) to spread self-love and help others heal from all the past hurts they've endured. At this infancy stage, I'm not sure if I managed to touch many souls. But I'm hopeful I already did and I'll continue to leave dear visitors with inspiring and/or thought-provoking ideas in every post. If not, then I'll die trying.

Lornadahl's Vision Board for 2012 Images from Google Images Collage design by Lec Campilan I know this will be a very delayed response to this challenge, but allow me to share what this grateful heart has to say. 2012 will be definitely a great follow-up to its amazing predecessor! Let me count the reasons:
More interviews! The past year was all about features of real-life goddesses and real men, but my backlogs included potential interviews with other personalities and experts. Supplies! Supplies! My puta red lips are sealed.
More lippies! Speaking of, you may count on more lipstick posts. As I've mentioned on my birthday post, I'm down to one last year to determine my signature lipstick and, for a change, I'll try to give more non-red lipsticks a chance. Playful pinks and mad maroons, please!
Accessorize! If you just tuned in, I actually dream of becoming the Imelda Marcos of dangling earrings. I know I haven't provided establishing shots to display this side of me and I haven't invested in my dying collection lately, but I'll try my very best to be more kikay in that department. More bling bling, more fun!
Streeeeeeeeeeetch! It's fun to have diverse interests but it sucks if you can't apply it in your supposedly active lifestyle. Do you still remember how I gushed about yoga, swimming, zumba, tai chi, Muay Thai and other fitness options I'd like to try AND maintain? This time, I should finally discover what's my one thing and treat my extra seksi body to occasional surprise that will NOT lead to the emergency room. And that's a pinkie promise!
Good fooooooooooooood! Moooooore what's-in-my-lunchbox-today posts and dining adventures for you! As an aspiring raw foodist for almost a year, I should really graduate from green smoothie offerings and finally lure you into seemingly complicated yet easy rawkin' treats! I'm so thankful for this guide.
More photos! Yeah, enough BlackBlurry™ photos for you. I really intend to make the sweetest purchase this year and post photos from my own digital camera. How's that? I know I work best in front of the camera (Hahahaha!) but I can't wait to show off what my eyes want you to marvel at, too. Are you ready?