Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[Accidental] WORLD PREMIERE: That Red T-Shirt

After yesterday's ABS-CBN - World Trade Center - Nolboo Korean Restaurant - NAIA itinerary, I decided to crash and spend the rest of the wee hours in my aunt's place in Malate. Sounds like a wise move as Manila is nearer to today's destination called ISIS International in Quezon City compared to my residence in Bacoor, Cavite. Besides, I left there a backpack-ful of used clothes, toiletries and still-drenched sneakers.

Speaking of stuff, I was grateful for packing an extra capri pants. Otherwise, I would have done a fruitless search in my cousins' closet. Isn't it nice when being indecisive turned out to be the best decision for the day?

But this relief was short-lived. I have no extra t-shirt nor blouse to wear for the Beyond Romance commune! It will also be my first time to meet the facilitator who I first met in the happiest place on the Internet called GratitudeLog in 2009. I should look sweet and fresh today!

Luckily, Tita Minda just made a business trip in Divisoria to buy new ready-to-wear clothes to sell. Among the rack of leftovers, I picked two red tops (how typical!) and pondered hard which one to purchase.

Option # 1: Red t-shirt

How can you say no to this cottony feel and light fabric? I'm NOT into heart designs, but I find the twist quite irresistible.

Front view of the red tee. Check out Irma from The Incredibles!

Back view: the wings

Option # 2: Red tank top

Back view of the tank top

Don't you just love the flashy "bib" and the flirty back design? However, I felt uncomfortable with my exposed bra straps and I had a feeling it will be freezing cold during the workshop. But it was hard to put it down. It would be a great beachwear!

The best decision of the day, you ask? I bought both of them! Yippee! Yahoo! Yehey!

Tita's sandals

And my sneakers remained wet, wet, wet! After borrowing Tita's black sandals yesterday, I wanted something more flattering. She lent me this cute pair that concealed my flat, wide feet also dubbed as pinikpikang luya by my own mother. Uhm, those are NOT French tips.


My learnings from the commune probably deserves a separate blog entry. But I can't contain to share how refreshing to be told to feel the past hurts and other negative feelings as they are, no need to rationalize why we experience them. I felt angst and revengeful thoughts swell up from my chest and, in the succeeding meditations, re-realize how useful those anger-inducing scenarios that changed me for how accepting and enlightened I am right now. And I am grateful again.

Energy exchange with the fellow students of life

The mandatory class picture. Wee!

My "grand" EB with Claire! Finally!

Have I told you Claire is probably the most active Pinay member on GratitudeLog? Her posts had inspired me to take time and be more expressive of my gratitude. After all, good vibes always, always begin with being thankful for our blessings big or small.

Also, Claire introduced me to the existence of the raw food community here in the Philippines. I vividly remember her GratitudeLog post involving raw ice cream that made use of avocado. Like they say, the rest is history.


I shall leave you with this uplifting video that our class saw during the commune. It was my first time to see it and I'm sure you, too, would nod away upon seeing it.

You ARE beautiful, fellow plumpies. Don't be the last to know!

Workshop photos were lifted from Beyond Romance.

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