Monday, May 27, 2013

SALE ALERT: The Great Luxe Sale in SMX!

My fellow Caviteñas Lyn of ward88 and Jo Elle of Jo-Elle Shop will be joining The Great Luxe Sale this weekend! The bazaar starts this Friday, May 31st, until Sunday, June 2nd, in Hall 1, SMX Convention Center. As if this 3-day sale were not enough, they will also hold pre-selling on Thursday, May 30th, from 18:00-21:00 in the same venue. And wait till you hear that the entrance is for FREE! Kita kits!

Spread the word!

Ok, I'm re-reading the past paragraph and THAT didn't sound convincing enough. Let me show you some photos of the stuff they're selling so you'll get the idea what they offer. I made a little collage of recent uploads from Jo Elle's page, but don't take it as a confirmation of what stuff will be for sale this weekend. Consider this as an unofficial teaser. 

Jo Elle

ward88's stuff, grabbed from their model's timeline

Monday, May 20, 2013

MUSIC MONDAY: I Am Beautiful - Candice Glover

♫♪ It don’t matter that I’m not perfect ♪♪
♪ I am beautiful ♫♫
♫ I’m not alone ♪♫
♪ And in His eyes I’m so worth it ♪♪
♫ I’m worth every tear ♫♪♪
♫♪ And every scar ♪♫

What a lovely, uplifting song! 

Though I only watch the auditions and the finale episode of American Idol, I would like to congratulate Candice Glover for winning the competition. I heard this is her third time to audition and I can tell how sweet this victory is.  Keep on making beautiful music! (Sorry for overusing "beautiful" today!)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

SALE ALERT: 50% Off on Erzullie's Pop Shop on May 18, 2013

Guess what? Erzullie will be holding a pop shop on May 18, 2013, Saturday (6:00-9:00pm) at the Caffeccino Function Room, Caffeccino, Eastwood City, Quezon City! Unlike their First Look events, interested parties need not to register anymore.  We can just show up in the venue on the mentioned date and shop away! Plus, 1.) shoppers will get to enjoy 50% off on selected items! But, wait! There's more! 2.) There'll be FREE personal shopper to assist us choose and fit the fab items and - here's my favorite part - 3.) we'll get the chance to chat with the designers Aries and Berna (naks, first-name basis!) and meet other heavenly bodies in our growing plus size community! Astounding, right?

What's a pop shop, you ask? It's my first time to encounter this term, too, so let me copy-paste the official definition. Here we go:

A pop shop is a temporary store open to the public by which a designer/brand invites customers at a specific place and range of time to meet up. It's a very limited engagement which gives the customers a chance to fit and purchase a designer/brand's clothing line. It's like a bazaar only with one brand showing! (In this case, it's Erzullie!)

You ARE cordially invited to Erzullie's Pop Shop!

Now in case this is your first time to hear about the brand, let me tell you I'm a fan of their line. Not only their sizes range from 1L (my size) to 4L, they offer a wide range of designs that any working woman, travel junkie and party-goer can truly relate to. The best part? The designers listen to our suggestions. I asked for vibrant colors during the last First Look event and they came up with this printed dress for Resort 2013 collection! And this is NOT a paid advertisement. =P

My crushes from their past, latest and future collections

I'm super excited for this event. Kita kits!